A safe crossing ensures that the attention of motorists is drawn to the right place at the right time. This means that with the help of LED lighting, for example, attention is drawn to crossing cyclists and pedestrians. By using detection mechanisms to ensure that the lighting only comes on when people are crossing the street, the crossing does not distract when it is not necessary. In addition, it is even more noticeable when the crossing is used, which certainly benefits traffic safety.
Contact us
Have a safe crossing constructed by the expert Traffic-Care is the expert when it comes to increasing the safety of the crossing. With our many years of experience, we have developed a system for a safe crossing: the Zebra-Safe. We have already installed these installations at various locations in the Netherlands and Belgium. We have not been idle and have continued to improve the system, making the crossings that we construct increasingly safer. With us you can choose from different forms of intelligent detection, so we can provide customization if desired.